Baby Food Carrots Cause Constipation. Say no to cooked carrots. You’ll be surprised at how much you think, discuss, and worry about your baby’s poop schedule.
Infants, toddlers, and children appear particularly at risk, possibly due to a sensitivity to the proteins found. If you eat a lot of carrots, the amount of sodium in your body will transform the hemoglobin in carrots into methemolobine in large quantities. Steamed or boiled carrots can leave your child constipated as it becomes more difficult to digest.
Any foods that can cause constipation normally, including banans, carrots, potatoes, and others, can cause constipation in baby food form.
Cooked carrots can lead to constipation. Give your baby water between two meals. If taken in large quantities, bananas and applesauce can worsen constipation. Raw veggies are a healthy snack, as evidenced by the health benefits of carrots.