Best Foods When No Appetite. Prevent it with an iron-rich diet. Here are some fairly gentle meals to consider.
A lack of appetite may stem from a variety of physical or psychological causes. Offer starchy foods such as bread pasta or potatoes with high-protein foods such as fish chicken meats turkey eggs cheeses milk tofu nuts peanut butter yogurt peas and beans. Bananas are the best type of bland food you can choose.
Understanding the reason why you have no appetite is key to determining how to best treat the issue.
Offer starchy foods such as bread pasta or potatoes with high-protein foods such as fish chicken meats turkey eggs cheeses milk tofu nuts peanut butter yogurt peas and beans. Bananas Bananas are perhaps the healthiest food you can eat when you are experiencing a loss of appetite. Prevent it with an iron-rich diet. According to the American Cancer Society you can combat your poor appetite and get the nutrition your body needs for good health by combining starches with high-protein foods.