Food Under Crown. Dental work thats not properly shaped. Steak popcorn hard candy chewing gum raisins and etc are examples of foods that take a lot of bite which makes them susceptible to rupture your crown.
These areas can be difficult or even physically impossible to clean with traditional oral care methods. If your dentist detects decay under your crown there are a number of possible treatments depending on your unique situation and the severity of the decay. This happened on Friday October 28th.
Once the tooth has fractured the post inside of the tooth and the crown itself will continue to loosen.
This can overwhelm your bodys defenses and quickly lead to an infection. If you didnt have a proper root canal procedure to remove your tooth pulp the center of the tooth where the nerves and blood vessels are your crown could be putting pressure on a traumatized nerve. Tartar deposits adhere to the teeth trap stains and accumulate. When food is getting caught in between your crowned tooth and the adjacent tooth this means the contacts between these teeth are not tight enough.