Foods For Ear. Magnesium helps combat free radicals and acts as a protective barrier for the delicate hair cells in the inner ear. Potassium-rich foods that may help alleviate your symptoms include apricots sweet potatoes pears papayas bananas yogurt spinach mangos and apples.
Use Breast Milk If Youre Still. Non-vegetarian food is the primary source of vitamin B12. Potassium-rich foods that may help alleviate your symptoms include apricots sweet potatoes pears papayas bananas yogurt spinach mangos and apples.
The food works as a preventative measure to protect your dog from a painful ear infection.
The recipe is an excellent source of omega and antioxidants as well. It is essential for vegetarians to take supplements for hearing loss. Use Breast Milk If Youre Still. Salmon sardines and other similar fish contain omega-3 fatty acids.