Foods To Make You Fall Asleep. Foods that boost melatonin help you fall asleep faster You may get up in the middle of the night when you have not consumed enough calories before going to sleep.
It keeps you full and provides you with tryptophan that helps relax your body to stay asleep throughout the night. Your diet may be to blame for the fact that you can’t make it through the day without a nap. The other dairy products like cottage cheese would be also helpful.
Others in the green, leafy vegetable category that can help you fall asleep faster are also spinach and mustard greens.
What you eat and how you sleep go hand in hand. Foods that boost melatonin help you fall asleep faster Find out which otherwise nutritious foods experts say are most likely to keep you up at night. Certain foods and beverages will perk you up (hi, coffee!), while others will send you scrambling to find the nearest nap spot.