Hardest French Food To Make. But who the heck has time to make it? Imdaabomb asked in food & drink cooking & recipes · 1 decade ago.
This is why some recipes call for ageing egg whites as when egg whites get old they loose some moisture. Via thinkstock not be able to eat french fries again for life?. Then, top it with ice cream, stick the whole thing in the freezer to make sure it doesn’t melt, take it out, encase it in a thick layer of whipped meringue, return it to the freezer to make sure it doesn’t melt, and then bake it in the oven.
Some recipes also recommend powdered food colouring over liquid, again to control the water content in the batter.
This is why some recipes call for ageing egg whites as when egg whites get old they loose some moisture. If you ever find yourself in a french restaurant with this on the menu, you won’t regret ordering it. Make the tempura batter according to the packet instructions and set aside. It's a great side dish with a roast pork loin or beef tenderloin.