Is A Food Bank A Social Service. Food donations Non-perishable in-date food is donated by the public at a range of places such as schools churches and businesses as well as supermarket collection points. This page will not function correctly in the Internet Explorer browser.
A food bank is a non-profit organization that collects and distributes food to hunger-relief charities. Food banks act as food storage and distribution depots for smaller front line agencies. A food bank is a non-profit that safely stores millions of pounds of food that will soon be delivered to local food programs like a food pantry.
Some food banks operate on the front line model giving out food directly to the hungry such as many European ones.
Every dollar counts to help neighbors in need. New applicants must first contact Social Services and speak with a Social Worker at 860 652-7634 to participate. Make a one-time or recurring gift. The study of 484 people found that food pantries that work to address the root causes of hunger can positively.