When Preparing Foods With Different Use By Dates The Discard Date Should Be Based On. Store food that will expire first in front of items that will expire later 3. Perishable food like meat yogurt and eggs often have a use by date.
Also consider deliveries storage of. Throw out food that has passed its manufacturers use-by or expiration date. The sausage has a use-by date of December 10.
When combining food in a dish with different use-by dates the discard date of the dish should be based on the earliest prepared food.
Sometimes commercially processed food will have a use-by date that is less than seven days from the date the container was opened Combining Food. A food handler is preparing a casserole using both shrimp and chicken. Commercially canned food high acid juices fruit tomato soup etc 12 to 18 months canned items will be safe to eat well past the use-by or best by date as long as the can shows no dents rust or swelling 5 to 7 days after opening. This date marking is usually for highly perishable food such as ready-to-eat salad and cooked meats.