Food Do Kangaroos Eat. They only consume vegetables and never meat. These types of kangaroos eat everything a tree produces leaves bark fruit flowers sap and seeds but also bird eggs bird hatchlings and other small animals.
Its little known but kangaroos have a ruminant stomach as do cows deer and camels so they can digest foods such as cellulose that many other mammals cant. The main food kangaroo boil down to the leaves and fruits. Red kangaroos western grey kangaroos and antilopine kangaroos mostly eat shrubs in their diet while eastern grey kangaroos eat a wide variety of grasses.
Their diet consists of ferns moss leaves fruits nuts seeds grains flowers sap and grasses.
When they can get them they eat eggs birds and other small animals too. Kangaroos are herbivores and eat a variety of plants and some also eat fungi. Ground-dwelling kangaroos dont eat meat but tree-dwelling kangaroos do. However there are actually four different kangaroo species and they all have slightly different diets of which different plant types are consumed.