What Is A Food Intolerance Test. With food sensitivity testing a lab analyzes how immunoglobulin G IgG an immune system antibody reacts to roughly 100 different foods. Raised IgE levels IgE short for immunoglobulin E is the antibody that triggers food allergy symptoms indicate allergy symptoms.
The best way of diagnosing a food intolerance is to monitor your symptoms and the foods you eat. The results will reveal the severity of the reaction from exposure to each item tested. Raised IgE levels IgE short for immunoglobulin E is the antibody that triggers food allergy symptoms indicate allergy symptoms.
If the symptoms disappear you can try reintroducing the food in small amounts to measure how problematic the food becomes in large quantities.
Food sensitivity also called food intolerance is often confused with a food allergy. Live Blood Analysis LBA by Darkfield Microscopy. With food sensitivity testing a lab analyzes how immunoglobulin G IgG an immune system antibody reacts to roughly 100 different foods. The Hemocode food intolerance test is a statistically proven doctor and pharmacist recommended IgG-related test that determines which foods are causing negative reactions.