Why Is My Food Coming Back Up. Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD is one of the more common digestive diseases. Rumination is a reflex not a conscious action.
When this ring of muscle does not close all the way stomach contents can leak back into the esophagus. When difficulty swallowing becomes more severe it can cause drooling because of inability to swallow saliva. This is exactly what happens when you suffer from Achalasia as the muscles needed for swallowing do not work properly and food gets stuck and often comes back up again.
Most people just experience heartburn with.
I feel like food is not going through my stomach. The most likely of these three scenarios is that you have some sort of obstruction. Im okay unless I bend over or cough deeply and then I will throw food back up. It is far more common for people to eject liquids through their nasal cavity.